The Elevation Church

See as He Sees

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise”. Philippians 4:8

When you wake up in the morning, is the first thought that crosses your mind, “Oh! I got up on the wrong side of the bed and so I know I’m going to have a bad day today”? If that’s what you do, you are already setting the tone for everything to go wrong in your day. The first thing that you should imagine in any situation is that God’s goodness and mercies are always with you and His favor will work on your behalf everywhere you go – and that is exactly what will happen! Yourthoughts are very powerful, and they shape your perspective and the direction of your life.

What thoughts do you have about your life, about the people around you and about situations you face?  Do you know that it is only when you change your mind, your perspective, and your attitude to life that things will change? Decide to live a better thought-life and dwell on God’s word always. Bring your mind under the subjection and authority of God’s transformational power and watch your destiny change for good! Have a wonderful week!

Confession: I begin to see things the way God sees things. I am not what I used to be but I am what He says I am. Every day, I become more positive in my thoughts, in my attitude and in my perception in Jesus name.

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