The Elevation Church

Salting your Portion of the Earth

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”– Matthew 5:13
As members of the church, we are called by God to salt to earth and make positive impact wherever we find ourselves. The church in this country, for instance, should be actively contributing to Nigeria’s nation building – and to the process of moving its citizens from thinking based on tribe and ethnicity, into living as a nation.

A country is different from a nation in that it is a specific location identified by geographical delineation containing specified land mass and borders, while a nation is a country’s identity, the coherent combination of all its tribes and ethnicities into one entity. A country usually has its people collected around and supporting a specific ideology. Are you positively influencing your portion of the earth?

Declaration: Because I am the salt of the earth, I willingly play my part in contributing to nation-building and kingdom increase; and I have positive influence wherever I find myself.

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