The Elevation Church

You are Loved of God

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father” Romans 8:15 (NIV).

If you were to measure the width, the depth or the height of God’s love, you will keep measuring – His love for you is endless! He even demonstrated it by sending Jesus to die in your place. Have you ever wondered why He had to go the length of sacrificing Jesus for you? – Because you were and still are that precious to Him! He looked at you and saw a co-heir of His kingdom. If you have ever questioned His love for you, or if He accepts you, or sees you – know this today, He accepts you the way He made you and will never relate with you based on your wrongdoings.

Even in the dark or tumultuous times, you are on His mind and in His sight. Every emotion you feel, He feels it too.  He knows that there are some days you will feel lonely and overwhelmed, that’s why He already promised that He will be with you whenever you pass through those times.  If He watches over birds who have no hands, or a job, or career path or planned destiny- imagine what He spends His time doing – looking out for you! Draw strength from knowing this – you are accepted in the loving heart of your Father! Have a fruitful day!

Confession: How you love me so unconditionally, I will never really comprehend. But I accept it… I accept your love and care for me God. Thank You Lord.

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