The Elevation Church

Lessons from Kintsugi


We are all broken in one way or the other, aren’t we? Of course, we are since we’re imperfect. Someone is having sleepless nights because of debt, some individuals are complaining of slow growth in business and unfavorable government policies. For some, it could be an unhappy marriage, unemployment or poor work conditions. The list is endless but here are two quick questions:

  • What do you do when faced with every day’s life problems?
  • What are you doing to help others solve their problems?

Kintsugi is a Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver or platinum. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of history of an object, rather than something to disguise. Believe it or otherwise, this philosophy applies to our everyday life since we all encounter challenges.

Here are lessons from this great Japanese art:

  1. Stop Worrying and Do Something

Luke 12:25, 26 & 31 – “who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? But seek His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well”. We achieve nothing by dwelling on our misfortunes, rather we overcome problems by taking actions. Putting broken pottery pieces back together requires action and not worries; stop complaining because success comes after excuses go.

  1. Be Patient

Repairing broken pottery by mending the broken areas require a great deal of patience. Life’s problems can linger for a long time, some problems may reoccur while others can emanate from the current problem you’re solving. Whichever way it comes, you need to be patient; don’t be too quick to act and don’t be too slow either. Trust in God to see you through.

  1. Be in Love at all Times

There are certain issues in life that can impair our ability to give and receive love. It could be abuses, injustice, painful experiences etc. People in this context can be very unhappy and hate themselves. No matter what life throws at you, love yourself first. This self-love will enhance your ability to take care of you by solving problems that’s affecting you. Be courageous, stable, reliable, strong and emotionally whole.

  1. Be Resilient

When situations of life break us into pieces, Kintsugi encourages us to see the beauty of putting back together the broken pieces. Sometimes, in the process of picking and fixing these broken pieces, we put our lives in order by reconstructing something more stunning. This philosophy teaches us to be resilient irrespective of life challenges, so we can be better versions of ourselves with all of our golden cracks.

  1. Help Others Solve their Problems

We all have problems to solve and others do too. Broken pottery is everywhere; what do you do when you see one? The Bible says Jesus didn’t come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Jesus came to solve problems so should we. Let us endeavor to put smiles on other people’s faces. Remember, success is determined by the problems we solve for others.

I hope this has inspired you to adopt the Kintsugi-attitude going forward.


Written by Richard Agu


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Comments (1)

Nice one Richie! God bless your skill

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