The Elevation Church

A Gift Called Prayer…

After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.” – Job 42: 10 (NIV)

One of the simplest yet most powerful gifts you can give to anyone is prayer. It’s one you can simply send anywhere at anytime, in any condition, great, unsure or terrible because it’s a very powerful and effective weapon for changing circumstances. While praying for his friends, Job was not in the best shape of his life. He had lost everything, which initially caused him to grumble. His condition was a precarious one but when he repented and acted on divine instructions to pray for his friends, God’s plan to restore his fortune manifested.

It’s the same way, Jesus presented this gift of prayer to God on behalf of us who were unworthy of God’s mercy and grace, when he asked that God forgive us for our sins.You really don’t have any excuse for not praying for people, irrespective of your circumstance. Today, consciously take time to say a word of prayer for everyone and everything around you and bear in mind that complaints lack power. There is no real love without prayer and the returns are unquantifiable.

Have a joyful day!

Confession: I present (make a list of all their names and call them out) before You Lord, to bless, protect, forgive, defend and provide for him/her according to Your riches in glory in Jesus name.

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