The Elevation Church

Create an Atmosphere of Praise

Let them praise His name with the dance; Let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp. For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation.” – Psalm 149: 3-4

God dwells in the place of praise and wherever He dwells, victory also dwells with many other good things! One of your main duties as a living soul is to praise the Lord. Praise is basically your passport to God’s presence, your visa to a victorious Christian life and a supernatural move of God’s hand over you!

There are some dimensions you can only enter fully or activate through praise.  You also don’t need to select the good times only to praise Him for the bible says that you should give thanks at all times! Enter a season of limitless possibilities and divine intervention through radical praise!

Have a happy and restful Easter break!

Confession: I unlock the power of praise over my life and I enjoy divine victory and God’s peace this season in Jesus’ name.

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