The Elevation Church

Hidden Treasures

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field. – Matthew 13:44 (NLT)

Opportunities come in the form of hidden treasures. It’s easy to miss an opportunity especially when it comes in a least expected way which often lead to regrets. But when that happens, don’t grovel, it’s never too late to make the right decisions. The way to get past it is by being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and keep trusting God to open your eyes to the opportunity and avoid distractions.

Unearthing treasures would sometimes require you to let go of the old to welcome the new. Just like the scripture above, the man sold everything he owned to acquire the treasure he found. What old things in form of preconceived notions and mindsets do you need to trade off for the hidden treasures God is willing to reveal to you? Get a hold of them now with God’s grace.

Have a wonderful day

Confession: Lord, thank you for the opportunities coming my way. The eyes of my understanding are enlightened to see them and grab them!

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