The Elevation Church

Help is Here!

And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.  – John 14:16 (NKJV)

Jesus never promised a life devoid of hard times but he promised you a Helper who would strengthen and uplift you during these times. He knew that there will be a need for help, guidance and comfort in this world. That was why He told his disciples that he will send them a Helper and Comforter in the person of the Holy Spirit. This Christian adventure (and life itself) cannot always be rosy and refusing to tap into the help of the Holy Spirit at the point of need will leave you stranded.

The Holy Spirit adds the supernatural to what would have been your natural or ordinary experience. It’s time to embrace the ministry of the Helper because this game-changing help is available only to those who consciously seek it. You must be vitally connected to the Holy Spirit to receive His guidance and ministry.

Confession: I am open to the ministry and instruction of the Holy Spirit. I allow Him into my all situations.

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