The Elevation Church

The Potency of Music


“But after the final last year, when we came to Liverpool, it was not cool. One of my friends is a singer and my assistant coach we sang a song: ‘we saw the European Cup, Madrid had all the luck, we swear we’ll keep on being cool, we’ll bring it back to Liverpool’. “Nobody thought in that moment it would happen. In that moment it was only to lift our mood a little bit and now it happened actually, so we have to think about what to sing tonight because obviously it means something.”

The above is an excerpt from an interview with Jurgen Klopp, the Liverpool Football Club (LFC) Coach who won the UEFA Champions League in June 2019.

How have you utilized the potency of music in your daily life? Of course, I know it’s a busy world, but you need to consciously create time to sing and listen to music that lifts your mood every day. Here are some quick tips: make it a morning routine to sing before praying; listen to music while at the workplace.

Here are some benefits of engaging in music related activities:

  1. Pleasing God

After removing Saul, God made David King over the children of Israel. He (God) testified concerning him: ‘I have David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.’ David was a psalmist who praised his way to God’s heart. You can do same by clinging to music (praise and worship) to please God and get the benefits thereof.

  1. Reassurance of Victories

The aforementioned story on Jurgen Klopp and Liverpool FC is a clear example of what music can do. Don’t forget the victories of Paul and Silas too in Acts 16:25-34 and the fall of the walls of Jericho in Joshua 6:1-27. Are you heartbroken, depressed, helpless and sorrowful? Just engage in a song of your own or sing along to gospel music. There’s a light (and a greater feat) at the end of the tunnel.

  1. Enhances Workplace Productivity

Work may be somewhat boring and uninteresting when there’s no radio or MP3 in your office. Studies have revealed that music can help relieve negative emotions like stress, anxiety and depression. It can also improve one’s efficiency, creativity and happiness in terms of work-related tasks.

In order to make the best of music, ensure you have a radio or MP3 around you. You can also download songs on your computer and phones so you get to listen to them while you work, read or research.

  1. Engenders Revelations and Excitement

Do you want God to constantly reveal Himself to you? Be fervent in praising and worshipping Him not only during church services but also in your quiet time. By allowing the rhythm of the music to lead you and with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can connect to the realm of the supernatural and get deeper revelations from God to do exploits.

On other occasions, we rely on music to dance and get excited in the presence of God. Such excitements, notwithstanding the situations, enhance us to believe more in God’s abilities to do exceedingly more than what we can ask for.

In conclusion, we should have expectations when we sing, praise and worship God. Jurgen Klopp, while singing, had an expectation that he will win the UEFA Champions League just a few days after losing it to Madrid in 2018. What are your predicaments? There are infinite blessings when you activate a praise and worship mood. Remember, you need a merry heart to ‘draw out water from the wells of salvation.’ (Isaiah 12:3).

Be cool and positive, you’re next in line for jaw dropping testimonies!

Written by Richard Agu

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