The Elevation Church

Deal With It

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” -Romans 8:29

What you do as a child of God can either aid or detract you from what God is doing in this season. Some of the things that could cause detractions are having a wrong mindset and attitude towards life. Let’s pick low self-esteem for example, it comes from a place of guilt and condemnation, which is as a result of sin. The remedy to counter this, is to constantly remind yourself that you are born again and a child of God, and that you are forgiven. Jesus has already taken all your guilt and shame away, therefore, you are not condemned by that sin because God’s word is alive and active in your life.

Refuse to be complacent about your life. It can make you seem helpless to things happening around you and this is a serious limit to the move of God. He has already predestined you for glory and riches which means there is no room at all for poverty and helplessness. If you are struggling with these habits, deal with it with the word of God. Dissolve its power today with the power of God’s word and come out victorious!

Have a bright and beautiful week ahead!

Confession: I stand forgiven and I am already set free. I live the life God has called me to live and I enjoy all He has promised me in Jesus’ name.

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