The Elevation Church

The Promise of a Beautiful Life

“Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God.” 1 Corinthians 2:12.

To have the beautiful life God intends for you is not a far-off dream. It’s a promise and reality for all His children. What can you possibly need that God cannot provide? Could it be good health, sound mind, wealth, prosperity and favor? All the things and more that make for a beautiful life is simply found in Him and you only need to meet Jesus once and follow Him.

If you are still wondering whether you qualify for this promise of a beautiful life in Jesus, please say these words and mean it with all your heart: ‘Dear Jesus, I have been told You make all things beautiful. I would like to invite you to come into my life and give me your peace. Set me free and make me whole. let me drink of Your living water, so that I will never thirst again. I surrender my whole life to You. I want to enjoy this beautiful and pleasing life in you. Amen’.

Confession: I enjoy the promise of a beautiful life every day of my life in Jesus name

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