The Elevation Church

At Peace with All Men…

So, Abraham brought sheep and cattle and gave them to Abimelek, and the two men made a treaty. – Genesis 21:27 (NIV).

There are many individuals who won with people all through the bible. Abraham was one of them. When he entered a covenant with Abimelek, his business took a new turn. He didn’t have to engage in deception or manipulation to succeed as he had previously done because God was going to work things out for him. Some start the journey of winning with people through or by cutting corners which has serious consequences later. God has placed gifts, talents and the right people within your reach to help you win! If you are the type who thinks you know it all, try to refrain from it today because it may cause major rifts and setbacks with people who are equipped to bring blessings into your life.

Don’t live in isolation – walk in connection with the Holy Spirit and the right people. And as much as possible, be at peace with all men. Have a fruitful week ahead!

Confession: Holy Spirit, lead me to the right relationships and the right connections so that I don’t walk in isolation and frustration in Jesus’ name.

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