The Elevation Church

Forgive and Restore

“Repent and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” – Acts 3:19 (NIV).

God loves you dearly. And He is willing to give you the best and bring out the best in you. The extent to which He values you cannot be measured. He can leave the other 99 sheep behind just so that He could find the 100th one and this represents you. Despite the fact that His heart is so big and He’s so powerful, He knows that without you the “equation” will not be balance. When you displease Him but run to ask for forgiveness and repent, He shows you mercy and restores you. He is ever forgiving just like the story of the prodigal son, whose father forgave him with open arms and even celebrated him despite his squandering his inheritance.

God is always willing to go the extra mile with you, as His child, He expects you to do the same for others. Never look down on any relationship but strive to restore broken ones. Today, let go of any hurt, anger, bitterness and unforgiveness your heart harbours. We all are imperfect walking with a perfect God. So as he forgives and restores you, do the same for others! Go out and win with love!

Have a beautiful day, God bless you.

Confession: I am forgiven, restored and loved by God. I let go of every emotional hurt and I seek to amend broken relationships around me.

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