The Elevation Church

Listen… God is Speaking

 “And the Lord came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” and Samuel replied, “Speak, yourservant is listening.”- 1 Samuel 3:10

Prayer means “communication with God” and it’s what you need to do as a child of God. When you’re communicating with God, do you keep talking about only what you want, your needs, pain and hurts? Or after speaking do you also wait to listen to what He has to say about something on His heart too? Sometimes, we tend to behave like children and just complain and whine about what is not working yet rather than listen to God for instructions. Think about it – how would you feel if the person you were in a relationship with only wants to speak but never listens to you when you talk? God has something to share from His heart with you.

This season, be deliberate about listening to God. He will lay some specific instructions that will end a perennial issue in your lineage, proffer a solution to a nutty situation you have been facing or even just tell you something that will change your whole view about life. Be quiet before him and expect an encounter!

Have a wonderful day.

Confession: I will hear a voice say to me, “This is the way, walk in it”. I will hear instructions and receive clarity on how to do them. I will receive solutions to problems, and experience divine encounters every day of my life this year in Jesus’ name

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