The Elevation Church

The Path of Righteousness

For with the heart a person believes (in Christ as Saviour) resulting in his justification (that is being made righteous, being freed of the guilt of sin and made acceptable to God) and with the mouth he acknowledges and confesses (his faith openly) resulting in and confirming his salvation.” – Romans 10:10-11 AMP

Many hearts are filled with some sort of emptiness that only Jesus Christ can fill. The moment you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord, He sets you apart to be called a child of God.  You enjoy a divine father-child relationship that comes with other privileges such as answers to your prayers, divine direction, divine protection, provision and so much more.

God desires to build a personal relationship with you. You only need to believe that Jesus died for your sins and accept Him as your Lord and saviour. Surrender your life to His will and let Him lead you in the path of righteousness. Have a wonderful day!

Confession:  I believe that Jesus died for my sins and I accept and boldly declare Him as my Lord and Saviour. I choose to live my life according to God’s plan.

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