The Elevation Church

Do You Know God?

“When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?” – Matthew 16:13, 15 (NLT)

Your knowledge of a person can either be detailed or very limited based on your relationship with them. If you were asked your opinion on a subject, your answer will be based on the amount of knowledge you have about it. Now let me ask you a question, how well do you know God? Peter’s human mind limited him from recognizing who Jesus really was, but by the influence of the Holy Spirit, he recognized the person of Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of the living God”. That revelation from above was born out of fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

One of the many traits and personalities of the Holy Spirit is that He helps you understand the fullness of God. You cannot fully maximize your God-given potentials by relying on your limited mortal mind. It’s not big enough! God wants to do the supernatural through your faith by the help of the Holy Spirit. So, forge on! Maximize, your potentials through Him today!

Have a fruitful day!

Confession: I realise that my God-given potentials are limitless and enough. From today, I will trust you Lord to help me grasp and maximize them to the fullest capacity.

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