The Elevation Church

What’s Your Motivation for Prayer?

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6 -7

Your motivation for prayer should be one that comes from a yearn to get closer to God and to show Him love. Would you want a partner who only calls you when they want to ask a question, need some sort of favor or just to give one-line answers? Wouldn’t you rather have a partner who calls you just to hear your voice, to tell you how much they care about you and how much you mean to them? God does not want you to be motivated to pray only when you feel enemies are attacking, or when you’re in need of money, promotion, career change, children and so on.

We all appreciate being in a close, warm and loving relationship and God wants that with you too! Start changing the motive for your prayers to God to one that wants a personal relationship with him. Start investing time in speaking to Him every day, with thanksgiving for what he has done and is yet to do and intercede on behalf of others. You’ll see your life transform in unimaginable ways!

Have a wonderful day!

Confession: Every day, I love on God and I seek to know Him more.

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