The Elevation Church



I’ve come to realize that generous people are always very prosperous and those who give in abundance always live in abundance. However, in the world we live in today, people want to continue living without giving.


Life is built on the principles of giving. For example, with conception, a man gives sperm to the woman which leads to pregnancy and ultimately child birth. Also, a farmer sows (gives) seeds to the soil and God sends rain to produce food. All givers are rivers, they refresh and replenish the earth, but people who withhold from giving are like stagnant water, they add little or no value to nature.


Many believe the first chapter of Genesis is about creation but there is more to it than just creation; it is about giving. When God said, “let there be light“, He deposited a part of His nature into the dark earth and called forth light, He was the Light of the world. Everything God created was already inside Him. He is the source of all resources. Man became a living soul because God is a giving soul.


A lot of people have different reasons for not giving; probably because they do not understand the blessings that come from blessing others. Let’s consider few reasons why people do not give:


Not having enough: Some people use the line “I don’t have anything” but it takes a different dimension of grace to be a blessing to others even when you don’t have enough. Remember the widow of Zarephath who gave all she had to Elijah during a time when she had nothing; afterwards, she eventually had a surplus.


Professional beggars: Some people have chosen to be professional beggars, and this has discouraged many people from giving. However, since we don’t stop using basic amenities because people abuse it; it’s important that we pray for a discerning spirit to bless the right people.

Giving is God’s very nature. Little wonder, the ten commandments are hinged on love. Love is all about giving the best and forgiving the worst.

Irrespective of the many reasons why people don’t give, here are some of the benefits of giving:

  1. Generosity frees us from the spirit of greed, corruption and materialism.
  2. Intentional giving brings a sense of fulfillment and reduces stress of trying to own the whole world.
  3. Sharing and caring reduces crime in the society; if everyone has everything they need, crime will not be common in our community.
  4. Giving increases our standing with God and our status before men.


It is important to note that giving does not necessarily have to do with money or material things. If we don’t have milk and honey or plenty of money; we can give our talent, time, words of encouragement, prayers, good attitude, kindness and moral support. We should also note that giving becomes valid when we do it cheerfully. If we give in order to get something in return, it is no more kindness, it has become business transaction.


In conclusion, no one has ever become poor by being generous and no one has ever lived a truly blessed life by being stingy. To continue to engage and enjoy the blessed life, we must intentionally live to give God and humanity our very best.


Written by Adeleke Adeite

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Comments (1)

Great piece. Clean but Stagnant waters soon begin to smell. I choose to flow like a river.

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