And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
and by the word of their testimony; Revelation 12:11b
Testimonies are evidence or proof of the acts of God by which we can trust Him to fulfill His promises in our lives because we’ve seen the proof in the life of someone else. In other words, a testimony is bearing witness to an action, a proof of the occurrence of something spectacular. It is therefore important that we share our testimonies with others because we will be giving someone a reason to believe that whatever promise God has made to them or whatever they are trusting God for, He is able to do it.
So many people have testimonies of what God has done in their lives at one time or the other but have never shared it. As much as some of these experiences are very personal and close to home; we must not forget that God gave us those testimonies as proof of what He is able to do and much more. When God answers a prayer, He expects us to use them to encourage others to know that God is still in the business of doing amazing things. Especially people who might be giving up hope or have lost faith in God.
I once heard a testimony that changed my attitude towards prayer and I began to relate it to my personal life. It was a testimony of breakthrough and the testifier said this;
“My life was a total mess and I felt like I could never achieve anything or amount to anything anymore. I had fallen into such a great sin that the devil just dangled it over my head and lied to me that I couldn’t get out of it or make something out of my life and I almost gave up. But I wasn’t ready to die yet so I went to God and asked him to just help me to survive. God gave me a word; write down everything you want to achieve in a year and attach a scripture to each. Then confess it, speak in tongues over it and praise me and you will see the change you want; your sins were forgiven before you even sinned. I thought I was imagining the impossible but then I took the step of faith and followed through. I kid you not; in two months, the first set of desires happened in such a way that I knew it was purely by angelic assistance. One year down the line, everything on that list was fulfilled one after the other, some happened even much more than I anticipated. I didn’t just survive, I thrived, and I give God all the glory. He said it and He did it and my prayer life took a turn for the supernatural.”
This testimony caused a shift in my spirit such that when I have a desire, I don’t just pray amiss or emphasize unnecessary repetition; I prayed in understanding, attaching applicable scriptures, meditating on it, speaking in tongues and praising God for answered prayers. And because God cannot lie and doesn’t favor one person over the other, I have experienced the miracle of answered prayers in different dimensions.
For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Rev 19:10
What am I saying? It is important to share our testimonies because it is the recounting of the occurrence of the miraculous that not only allows us to remember how God came through for us, but also allows someone else the opportunity to believe God and trust that if He did it for one person, He can do it for another.
Here are a few reasons we should share our testimonies:
- It glorifies God: When God comes through for us in amazing ways, testifying about it reveals the faithfulness of God and thus we give the glory back to Him. We are able to recount how amazing He has been to us, and our gratitude opens us up to more of His blessings. And because we acknowledge that what happened was not by our own power but by His grace, He takes the glory.
- It becomes a resource that gives others hope and courage: Many times, people have lost hope and wonder if something can ever happen for them. But sharing our testimonies with them might just be what they need to hear to rekindle their hope and help them believe again. It was the testimony of Elizabeth that reaffirmed to Mary that she will surely conceive of the Holy Spirit.
- It builds our faith and that of others: The Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Your testimony is, therefore, a reminder for you that if he did it before he can do it again. Just like David who remembered that the God who helped him to kill the Lion and Bear is also able to kill the uncircumcised Philistine irrespective of him being a giant. Also, someone may need to hear your testimony repeatedly until their faith is built up towards that desire in their heart.
You might ask, “how can I share my testimonies”?
– You can share it physically during church service
– You can have it written and read
– You can have it recorded as video
– You can share it in small group meetings
– You can share among friends and families or social media
The most important thing is to get the message across. Remember, your testimony is someone else’s hope for a miracle, assurance that God will do what he says and the evidence of faith for the fulfillment of prophecy. Don’t hold back those good deeds that God has done in your life. Give someone an opportunity to trust God again.
Written by Tolulope Oyekan
Great post!
Your testimony may just be what someone needs to hear to help their faith.
An exhaustively and extensively written article. So much to pick from the article. We overcome by the words of our testimony!
Great write up. I strongly believe that testimony is prophetic in nature. Therefore, it has the capacity to be reproduce in the life of another person.
Note: Your testimony is what a hopeless person need to hear to keep hope in God alive. There is an urgent need as children of God to always share our testimonies.
Wow, this is very adept, carefully written with all efficacy. Thank you for this, I’ve gleaned so much from this single piece!
I’m thanking God for healing me of a frequent abdominal pain I usually have (about 2/3 times weekly). During the Accelerate conference on Friday, I told God about it together with other requests. To God’s glory, I’ve not experienced it since then till date and I’m most grateful to Him.
How can I share my testimony. Please I went to to be share on on Friday at accelerated 2021.
Hello Onome,
I am so excited to read your testimonies, glory be to God!
You can share your testimony via testimonies@elevationng.org. I have forwarded this to them.
Thank you,