The Elevation Church

Biblical Principles Applicable to Business


This article is a case study of the “parable of the ten virgins” in relation to Preparedness.

I’ve been asking my Director for some instructions on how to go about certain things in my business and He started whispering some things I’d like to share with you.

Stay with me, especially if you are an entrepreneur, employed-preneur or just thinking about what’s next for you in this pandemic season.

A lot of people have different views about starting a business; some say it’s stressful, some outrightly say they can’t do it. The truth is that nothing good comes easy. As an employee, you are putting in the same energy as an entrepreneur, what matters is that you have oil and you’re not burning out.

Oil? I can almost hear you ask.

Yes. Your oil is what God has put in you. Your gifts, your talents, your skills.

Do you have what it takes to get that job?

Do you have what it takes to start that business?

Do you have what it takes to get married?

Do you have what it takes to do whatever it is you want to do?

Jesus, in the parable of the ten virgins, teaches us that it is foolishness to enter a venture unprepared – be it a job or business. Recall that the five unprepared virgins were left out of the party!

Do you have oil? How full is your oil tank?

Full? Half full? Empty? Do you have extra in case this venture takes longer and you risk running out?

Oil here speaks to preparedness.

Oh yes! Before you venture into that business or put in for that higher role, how prepared are you to excel at it? Every locomotive has a shock absorber; humans do too. So let me ask, are you going into that business without a shock absorber? Is your shock absorber still intact?



  1. Pray: Every good thing comes from God but is it time for you to access that good thing? Is it time for you to venture into that business or pursue that deal? “My instinct is right about it”, you might say. What if your instinct isn’t in line with what God wants for you at this time? Pray. Be double sure that it is God leading you in and on.
  1. Hone your skills: Everything we do or want to do requires some level of skills to function perfectly. Do you have what it takes? If you do, how updated are your skills in that field? Sharpen your skills. Don’t enter blind.
  2. Research: You are not the first to model that business or role. It will do you some good to read extensively about it. Spend time reading. Learning from people’s mistakes saves you from a lot of things but, it doesn’t mean you will not make your own mistakes.

Research also helps you see the things you can tweak in your business to have an edge over your competitors.

After you’ve done your preparation and you are sure you’re ready, then go for your gold. Also remember that there are stages in business but if you get the preliminary stages right and put in the work with consistency, your errors would be very minimal.

Irrespective of whatever situations may have been caused by the pandemic, do not be discouraged. You can start now to PREPARE yourself for exploits post-covid; so that when opportunities come, you will not miss it.

All the best.


Written By: Uzoma Divine


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