The Elevation Church

A Conqueror’s Mind

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37 (NKJV)

Conquerors are capable of coming out of struggles, problems, life’s twists and turns, highs and lows and keep moving! While it could be hard at the time to endure; not being soaked in the word of God could challenge your perception of who He is. Has a situation left you desperate and making you question God’s love for you? Don’t listen or yield to that voice or feeling. It is the enemy’s trick to make you feel excluded and unloved. The Bible says that you are MORE than a conqueror through Jesus Christ. Which means, if you have ever endured some of life’s blows alone, you can walk through it easily with Jesus involved!

You are precious to God. Though it may not always be easy to see especially during trying times, God has already promised never to leave you! Get rid of that victim mindset today and remember your name is in God’s inheritance list for His plans and blessings! You are valuable to God; don’t you ever forget that!

Have a wonderful day!

Confession: This is my confidence – I am a child of the Most-High God and more than conqueror through Jesus, therefore in all things, I win!

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