The Elevation Church

Break Out!

“For God, has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, of power and of a sound mind.”- 2 Timothy 1:7

Do you know that fear can keep a person from achieving their highest potential? Some people even wonder if they have anything to offer the world. Having such insecurities can keep the person from speaking up in favour of their values or ideas and against oppression and injustice. But I am here to tell you that if you are such a person, you can break out! How? Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit as long as you are a believer, He can help you!

Here are a few things to know when dealing with fears and insecurities; first, you must realise that you are firmly rooted in the foundation of God’s love – a foundation that cannot be shaken or broken by anybody or anything. Secondly, you must remind yourself daily that you have the Spirit of God living inside of you. The Spirit of boldness, of love and of a sound mind.

Once you affirm this in your heart, you can step out everyday knowing that your ideas are sound, your opinion and dreams are valid and your voice will be heard because God has positioned you in places for a time as this. This year, don’t limit God with fear and don’t let the enemy intimidate you or rob you of God’s gifts and promises. Break out of that fear now and walk in the liberty of the Holy Spirit.

Have a wonderful day!

Confession: I am a child of God. I am rooted in the love of God. My mind is sound, my spirit is bold and I walk in power in Jesus name!

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