The Elevation Church

More than Silver & Gold

Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever.” – Psalm 112 vs 1-3 NIV

Wealth and riches are just one of the physical perks of being a blessed person. But it does not define you as being blessed. The characteristics of a blessed person is that he or she is a giver. They are blessed to be a blessing to others. What is commonly referred to as “blessing” is usually linked to physical manifestations such as prosperity, health, success and so on. These manifestations can be likened to the “PR” move of God which shows the physical representation of a person that is blessed.

A blessed man understands that his life is not focused on what he can get from God, but rather focused on building a relationship with God because he knows that having Jesus and walking with God is more than having silver and gold. Choose to live the blessed life today.

Have a wonderful day!

Confession: I am blessed because I have a covenant relationship with God and find great delight in His commands. Yes, wealth and riches are in my house but my right standing with God endures forever.

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