The Elevation Church

Walk In, the Door is Open!

Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us. Ephesians 2:18. (NLT).

There was a reason the veil of the temple tore into two the moment Jesus took His last breath. It was the start of a new era for a timeless access to God. However, you may have access to God, but if you don’t fully accept the gift of salvation, you can limit this access. You can also limit your access when you deal with God through your physical senses only.

Even when you struggle with sin, temptation, and intense opposition from the camp of the enemy, God is still watching and waiting for you to come to Him, not run from Him. The door is open for you today, just walk in. You don’t serve a dictator God.

Enjoy access today!

Confession: Lord, it’s me your child… Thank you for leaving the door open for me!

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