The Elevation Church

A Love That Runs Deep





Love is a word I thought I knew

A universe of warmth within my home.

Dangling from my mother’s back

Laughing at the tickles of my father’s touch.


Love is a world I thought I’d grasped,

An awakening I hoped would never fade.

Holding the hands of those I loved,

Resting on the laps of those who loved me.


I knew it, felt it; real and strong.

It covered and shielded me, all day long

Like a whirlwind, that swirled and twirled,

It surrounded me like an impregnable fort.


But soon I befell a tragic scene

A painful hurt that shattered me

It rent my heart and ripped my love.

Leaving me lacerated, lean and alone.


In my despair I longed for the Pale Rider;

The Angel of Death to bring eternal sleep,

Cause life was cruel and vile and spinning,

No reason to be among the living.


But one night, I heard a still, small voice,

That whispered words to quiet my troubled soul,

It said to me with firm assurance

‘Call to Me and I will answer’.


Not holding back, I screamed my pains,

And told the fears that filled my heart,

I unburdened my spirit, telling all,

He listened attentively, patient with me.


Done, I lifted my eyes to the Voice;

Like an orphaned child without a home,

A sheep that strayed and lost its way,

Hoping for compassion to soothe my ache.


But I found more than I had hoped for.

Grace that shields my soul from despair,

Mercy that erases my faults and flaws,

Love that’s pure and knows no bound.


An unconditional sacrifice He made for me

In spite of my folly, He gave me His only

To bring me to a place of honour and glory

Who am I that You are mindful of me?


Oh, awake my soul from deep within

And see the gifts He gives to you

Rejoice and be glad and praise His name

For the LORD GOD has enlightened my darkness.


I will set the LORD always before me

To show me the path of life I should go

Cause His love runs deep and whispers to me

‘I am with you always, even to the end of the age’.


Written by Amoma Awala



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Comments (2)

Psalmist Amoma… Great and inspiring. Gratitude

So beautifully written, made me sad and happy at the same time

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