The Elevation Church

Lockdown is not Lockup


It’s no longer news that the Covid-19 pandemic and its spread across the globe has killed thousands of people, crashed the global economy and plunged ‘normal’ life into turbulence and disorder. Various aspects of life have not been and will not be the same due to this. Experts have tried to unravel how to harness the crisis for higher level of productivity and profitability. Cities and nations have been on a lockdown; businesses, religious centers, schools are all shut down; workers now have to stay at home and/or work from home. This has also unexpectedly increased unemployment, plunged businesses into bankruptcy and crippled economies.


In the wake of this pandemic, normal life may look like a distant dream but victorious and profitable life will not be farfetched for those who have prepared and positioned themselves for the best. As a poet and songwriter, I have written a lot of poems and lyrics during this lockdown, but here is my favourite:


Lockdown is not lockup

Don’t shutdown and don’t shut up

Get up and show up behind closed doors

Stay safe, strong and smart indoors

Not every closed door is a prison

Storms only come for a season

Wake up and put on your creative cap

Don’t get tamed by anxiety’s trap

Don’t look for light at the end of the tunnel

When there is a light walking in the tunnel

You’re the light my friend

This darkness will come to an end

Keep on shining and showing up

This lockdown is not a lockup


Life, they say, is different strokes for different folks, people process seasons and situations differently but it is important to understand how to navigate this stormy season in order to gain from pain. Every loss is a lesson, only if we focus on learning and not just yearning. Here are few tips to living the best life during lockdown:

  1. Connect and commune with creative people: the kind of people you connect with during a downtime will determine how fast you will rise again. Social distance is not a barrier to creativity and productivity. There is no limit in the move of the ‘spirit’, thanks to the internet and technology. There are a lot of free webinars and courses online that can fuel fortune and faith, engage the ones that speak to your interests and prospects.


  1. Defy reasoning and reach for new realities: In times of crises, reasoning and logic seem to be the last resort but they often put a cap on creativity and productivity. Seasons like this provides opportunity not only to think outside the box but to live, work and earn outside the box. Explore every idea, even the unreasonable and insignificant ones.


  1. Relax and retreat to relaunch: anxiety attacks become prevalent due to uncertainties and harsh realities faced during this period. Be intentional about building metal agility, seek counselling and mentoring if you must. This is not a time to be emotionally and socially isolated even if you are physically isolated. Be intentional about building mental agility. See the bright side of the ‘bend’ because this is certainly not the end.


  1. Create opportunities: a lot of times, people wait for doors of opportunities to open instead of breaking walls and building their own doors. Don’t dwell on the crises and losses that may be ravaging the world. The truth is, there will not always be jobs openings, but you can employ yourself. May be this is the right time to keep your credentials and dust your potentials. There is always a way to start – start with what you have and start from where you are. Make research, reach out for help from veteran entrepreneurs.


  1. Dare to be different: there is the temptation to join the bandwagon of people who engage in random activities, especially online games and challenges – which is not so bad. According to Devon Franklin, “your destiny is your difference.” If you want to achieve a different result in this lockdown period, you must act differently and apply a different strategy to your activities. As much as it is good to have fun, don’t lose your focus.


Above all, stay safe! See this lockdown as a season of relaxation, reflection and redirection. I believe that God is using this season to protect, direct, connect, inspect and correct His people. A lot of disruptions will take place during and after this pandemic but the people who will get the best from the disruptions are those who prepare for the best and plan to overcome the worst.  Allow God to have His way while you play your part. Don’t fret, the One who holds the whole world in His hands is the one who holds your future; therefore, your future is secured and assured.


Written by Adeleke Adeite

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