The Elevation Church

Fired Up: Where is your Fighting Spirit?


“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney

 Few months ago, I went to watch a football training in my neighborhood. I got into the training late but the relationship between the coach and players left a lot of lesson in my mind. The coach selected both teams and instructed them to play a possessive-defensive strategy. Many of the players didn’t know what the coach was up to.

After ten minutes into the game, almost all the players were panting and extremely tired. The coach knew the players had exhausted their strength, but he kept on shouting ‘where is your fighting spirit guys?’

‘Chuks, fight  for me I say!’ the coach shouted the more.

In my head, I was wondering; can’t the coach see that the players are tired? To satisfy my curiosity, I decided to walk up to the coach to inform him that those guys on the pitch can’t really do much because they are tired. The coach’s response really hit me; he said it was a deliberate strategy to make both teams to be possessive and defensive at the same time so that the warrior spirit in them could emerge because the game is all about mobility.

So, based on this story; are you too tired to pursue the dreams and goals that you have set in the various facets of your life? Are you in a phase where no amount of motivational words can move you? We all have moments where energy dissipates, and you have little or no energy to work creatively; moments when you feel mentally & emotionally drained and every form of excitement to chase your dreams dies down.

If you are working on a project, pursuing a new career, committing to an important relationship, planning your financial goal, or starting an enterprise; I’ll like to ask – where is your fighting spirit?

A study by the University of Scranton reveals that 92% of people that set new year goals never actually achieve them due to lack of motivation. Have you discovered that while it’s easy to embark on the pursuit of a worthwhile goal, the ability to maintain a momentum to ensure its accomplishment is another issue altogether. When your motivation is low; your commitment, determination and passion is tested, would you still be fired up?

For some people, fear is the mitigating force that is causes their desire not to see the light of the day. A mentor once said to me, “there are 3 kinds of fear you must never allow in your life – the fear of lack, fear of failure and fear of men”. He added that the only antidote to these enemies is FAITH. Arise and confront your fears because it’s not designed to kill you but will only make you stronger.

Personally, I have realized that some people we surround ourselves with weaken our drive to fight for our goals.  They are specialists in ensuring things that are important to us stay static. Therefore, you must understand that relationships can never be trivialized on our path to greatness. The people you listen to or take advice from on your path to achieving greatness can either make or mar you; so choose your circle of impact wisely.

Finally, no matter what life stage you may be at this point; always remember to activate your potentials and the zeal to keep fighting. When it seems like you are getting tired; ask yourself “where is my fighting spirit?”


Written by Seyi Shoyemi

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Comments (1)

Great one, my fighting spirit has been activated.

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