The Elevation Church

Your Mindset is Crucial

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus… – Philippians 2:5 (KJV)

As a great leader, you must possess the right mindset – that of a self-leader. As a self-leader, you should see the world as your sphere of influence and understand your call to duty. When Jesus commanded that we go and make disciples of all nations, it was a call to leadership. Until you see yourself as one who has been sent to influence lives for God, you may struggle with leadership.

Leadership is not about attaining position or power – it is about influencing people for God. Those who make leadership about anything other than this form of influence find that their enterprise dies with them. You should make it a daily goal to influence others and be beacon of light for others.

Confession: I have the mindset of a self-leader; my life is a pointer to God and I am influencing everyone around me for good.

Comments (2)

In three different translations of the Bible, Philippians 2:5 is translated to be about: a) “The mind”. b) “Our attitude” and, c) “The way people see us”, which means that these three are same.
It means these are the main tools for a effective self-leadership influence for God, and deliberate attempt to developing these three cannot be overemphasized…

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