The Elevation Church

Winning Strategies for Building and Leading a Strong Volunteer Force  


By Godman Akinlabi 

Leading volunteers presents a unique set of challenges compared to managing paid employees. Volunteers are motivated by their passion for a cause, and they choose to give their time and skills freely. As a result, volunteer leaders must navigate the delicate balance between providing guidance and direction while also respecting the autonomy and individuality of each volunteer.

One of the biggest challenges of leading volunteers is maintaining their engagement and commitment. Volunteers are not obligated by a contract or salary, so their willingness to continue contributing depends largely on their satisfaction with their experience. Volunteer leaders must create a positive and supportive environment, provide clear expectations and goals, and offer meaningful opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Another peculiarity of leading volunteers is the diversity of their backgrounds, skills, and motivations. Volunteers come from different age groups, cultures, and professions, and they have varying levels of experience and expertise. Volunteer leaders must be inclusive and adaptable, recognizing and valuing the unique contributions of each volunteer while also fostering a sense of teamwork and collaboration.

Effective communication is also crucial when leading volunteers. Volunteer leaders must be skilled in actively listening, giving constructive feedback, and providing regular updates and recognition. They must also be transparent and honest about their expectations, goals, and challenges.

Overall, leading volunteers requires a blend of empathy, flexibility, and leadership skills. Volunteer leaders must be able to inspire and motivate their teams while also respecting their autonomy and individuality. By creating a positive and supportive environment, valuing diversity, and communicating effectively, volunteer leaders can help their volunteers achieve their goals and make a meaningful impact in their communities.

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