The Elevation Church

We are Alike

“Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months.” – James 5:17 (NKJV)


Prayer is an act of reverence that requires truth, sincerity and faith in the word of God. However, a lot of times, we fall into the competition bubble and begin to think, based on the way we pray that we do not compare to some people prayer-wise. Remember the bible doesn’t describe that there’s a particular degree of aggressiveness required for prayers to be answered but it says there is a way to pray – according to God’s word.


Hence, if we say that fire and rain came down from heaven because Elijah prayed aggressively, we also need to take note that Hannah prayed inaudibly, resulting in her getting a son from the Lord. Therefore, like Elijah and Hannah, we are men of like passion, who can receive answers from above if we take the right ‘posture’ in prayer to meet with God, speak with Him and pray His will instead of being concerned with the outward expression of our prayer. Remember, prayer is not a competition but communication between you and God.


Confession: I declare, my focus is on God and His word alone. My prayer life is taking a new turn. I will no longer compete but I will depend totally on His word.

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