The labour of man is good, but grace is better! When the grace and the favour of God comes upon you and His word settles on what you do; you will begin to see that it is not by power or by might. When the Spirit of the Lord says that it is time to run, when it is time for you to run; you will overtake chariots. It does not matter who had gone ahead of you, when it is your season to accelerate; it is simply your time and that is exactly what happened to them in Israel. There is a season for logic, but there is a season where you just put that logic aside and say Lord what you said is strong enough for me, i will step out of my boat just like Peter did and walk upon the waves that wanted to drown me simply because your word came for me.
The lepers in 2nd Kings 7:3 had three choices:
- To stay where they are where nothing is happening: You might have been afraid of starting a business or launch out on what God told you to do because you are afraid of ‘what if ‘What if it does not succeed, what if it does not make head way’. But God is telling you ‘Go forward’ ‘Move forward. Sometimes we stay stuck in a relationship that is not moving forward simply because we are afraid to venture out and trust God for something better. When God says it is your season of acceleration; even those things that seems impossible, that seems beyond your reach, He will deliver them into your hands. So it is important for us to recognise the dead ends in our lives and not to be afraid to walk away, trusting that God is able to lead you, direct you and settle you!
- To go back to the city where there is famine: Don’t go to a place where God is not present. People will come and try to suggest to you all kinds of means of how you can break through and if you are not discerning you may just be carried away by some of their stories. Don’t go to where God is not present so that you don’t walk into a siege.
- Their third choice was to go into the camp of the Syrians: It is important to know where God is leading you in the face of challenge. Light is a capacity for full speed, light empowers acceleration. The reason it seems for someone that the year is moving so slow is because you have not pressed in to see what the light of God’s word is saying concerning your situation. You have consulted everyone else except God. In order to accelerate, you must not only pursue light, you must love light. When God is leading us in triumphant possession He assumes we are following 2nd Corinthians 2:14.
To enjoy the supernatural, sometimes it requires us to stop thinking. As crucial as thinking is; there will be season in your life when God will ask you to do illogical things to see His salvation. John 6:19 tells us a story about Peter and the other disciples in the boat; there was a turbulent storm and they look up and saw Jesus walking on the waves of the water and Peter ask ‘if this is you, bid me to come’ and Jesus said ‘come’. What is that safety net that is around you and you are unwilling to step out from and trust God to move you beyond. Do not esteem your intellect above divine instruction!
Declaration: “I will step out of the place of familiarity, I will step out of the place of complacency, I will step out of my comfort zone and Jesus if you tell me to come, I will come because you are a God of possibilities, I will stop seeing the waves and will come at your instructions”.
There are all kings of sieges; Ezekiel 4:1-2 describes different situations of sieges: A wall in a siege situation is a line that says you cannot progress beyond this point. A wall is designed to either keep people in or keep people out. When the children of Israel were approaching Jericho to a land God has promised them, they met with this wall of Jericho that told them you cannot progress beyond this place. I don’t know if perhaps on your job, it just seems like you are facing this wall or you are not enjoying situations around you because it seems like however much you try to move forward there is just this wall standing in the way. Perhaps the siege you are going through is some kind of barricades, mountains of oppositions, a seemingly in surmounting obstacles standing in your way. I want to declare to you that the siege is over! The Lord is sending His word to you that the siege is over. There is also a kind of siege that Job went through, where one calamity seems to role into the next calamity.
I don’t know which of these sieges seems to describe something or an aspect of what you may be going through but I believe that God is speaking to you, God is sending a word of capacitation, God is saying; it is time to move, arise and shine for your light is come and His glory is risen upon you. God is saying this is the season and time. Rise up and declare Gods word’s against all odds. It does not matter what you have been called before now or what the limitation was, the lepers was coming but it was the might army of the host of heaven going ahead of them and brought victory for them on that day! AMEN!