The Elevation Church

Take the Trust-Risk

 Come, follow me, Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matthew 4:19 (NIV)


One of the significant attributes of a great leader is the ability to have a certain level of trust in others, knowing that people don’t have to be perfect for them to have a positive effect. All through the scriptures, God used imperfect men to execute His perfect will.

You may be hesitant to trust people with tasks and responsibilities but recognize that people are willing and waiting to be assigned responsibilities – be it in family, career or business, there is the need to drive productivity, peace and progress through trust.


Are you protecting your friends, children or subordinates to the detriment of their progress because you feel they cannot be trusted with tough tasks? Learn to take a chance on them. Give them wings to fly. Look out for attitude, aptitude and chemistry.


Confession: I receive grace to trust my friends, family, colleagues, subordinates and others to achieve greatness. I will not limit others through distrust and fear of failure.

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