Strengthening your Prayer Altar

From scriptures, we learn that ā€œElijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years!ā€ It is easy to think that these kind of prayer results are reserved for a selected few, say the prophets, pastors, and anointed ones.

In a very connected and result-oriented world, most people struggle to find time to disconnect from the tight hustling and bustling schedule, social media, chores, etc. These days our lives are getting busier and busier.

Staying connected to God in a VUCA world can really be challenging, but this connection is required to effectively navigation through the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity that life presents daily.

In this course, we navigate the following topics to understand how stay connected to God:
1. Prayer: What, How, When.
2. The Word: An effective guide for effectual fervent prayer.
3. Commune: A two-way communication.
4. Act: Step out in faith.

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