The Elevation Church


One of my least favorite beginnings to a sentence is “I’m going to”. I’m going to start my diet next week, I’m going to start a business next year, I’m going to register at the gym next month, “I’m going to quit smoking soon, but I’m never actually doing these things and this is the case for many others reading this piece.

We all have that colleague or friend who can talk a great game, they have great ideas and appear to have it all figured out on blueprint. While it’s wonderful that they are confident enough to assert their opinions and share their viewpoints, they never do anything to actualize these brilliant ideas of theirs.

As the old maxim goes “talk is cheap”, it is a lot easier to talk about doing something than to actually do it.

Many Christians believe that praying and speaking in many tongues absent of tangible actions will make things happen for them! #Newsflash – Being saved doesn’t mean life will become perfect for you.

As Christians we are expected to be doers, not just hearers or writers of the word of God. I just love the message translation of James 2 verse 14 which reads “Dear friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything?”  – I’m guessing you know the answer to that.

The phrase “Heaven helps those who help themselves” though not written in the bible, is a popular slogan that emphasizes the importance of self-initiative and self-help. We cannot over flog the necessity of putting the word of God to practice in our lives , you need to step out in faith and act on the word you have received.

The people who are changing lives (including their own) are the people that are doing – not the people that are going to do. They don’t talk about it as being in the future, they talk about what they’re doing right now to make a difference and most importantly, they stepped out of their comfort zone.

The problem with a comfort zone is that we often can’t tell when we’ve been sucked into it until we become complacent with the little we have achieved. Typically when you hear the phrase “step outside of your comfort zone,” we all tend to think of it as an important move in the right direction which is correct but I’m talking about putting more than just your right foot out.

What brilliant idea has God given to you? Do not waste it by procrastinating; Stop talking, Start acting.

No one said it’s going to be easy, as a matter of fact I say to you most frankly, it will be hard; it will be uncomfortable; but God said “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corin 12:9). So I urge you to take that bold step now, it will be worth every pain, every sweat and every tear.

“To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.”

~ Eva Young

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