So What’s The Plan?

Funny how it seems like 2017 just started yesterday; however, as I write this we’re half way through it! ‘Time flies when you’re having fun’, so the saying goes, but if you ask me, I think it flies whether you’re having fun or not. So let me ask, with the days running by so fast and literally fading into each other; WHAT’S THE PLAN? Or should I say, what’s your plan for the remainder of the second half of the year and for your life in general?

This year is a very important part of your life and today is a vital point in time so let’s not waste it. Decide to make this year matter; to make it different, to make it not like every other year. How? Well, you could decide to help people more, put in more effort at work, work harder at school, read your Bible more, help out more at home, volunteer at church, etc. the options are endless. How you decide to do this is entirely between you and God. He has laid certain desires and passions in our hearts concerning every aspect of our lives albeit obvious or not to some of us at this point in time.

So why don’t you make a plan? Go to the Lord in prayer and with the help of the Holy Spirit think about the areas of your life you need to change, improve and work on. Think about ways you can serve God and reach out to people. Think about how you can improve your lifestyle so that you can be a better ambassador of Christ. You need to make this year different by setting standards for yourselves that will keep you in check as you make your way on this journey called life. When you’ve done this, it is necessary to write the plans down (Habakkuk 2:2) for the sake of future reference. Subsequently, submit them to God because even though you make own plans, God directs your steps (Proverbs 16: 9) and it is by His grace that you will be able to accomplish them. For you can do nothing on your own, everything you do is by the grace of God. I can assure you that the road will have its ups and downs but rest assured that He will never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8). See every challenge as stepping stone to greater heights and as a means to make you stronger. Your perception of them is a vital part of your growth process.

So it’s not too late or too early! Even though six months have gone by, make a plan for your life to accelerate. Regardless of whether it’s for this year or next; write down your vision, submit it to God and keep your focus on Him (Hebrews 12: 2). He created you and knows what is best for you. So, trust Him to direct your path and guide you to the perfect plan and place He has in store for you (Jeremiah 29: 11).

God bless!

By Chibuzo Okereke


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