The Elevation Church

Recipes for Change

Therefore, do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the [Holy] Spirit. ā€“ Ephesians 5: 17-18 (AMPC)

If I were to ask you how were doing right this moment, what would your answer be? Would you try to cover up by giving a vague response or will you be honest about how you really feel? A good number of people cover up the reality and pain of their lives with substances, alcohol, junk food, shopping sprees and wild parties. Others intentionally isolate themselves from God. Which one are you? Just like the bible states, I encourage you not to be vague and thoughtless, about your life. Donā€™t get drunk and hide behind substances to cloud you from reality but be filled ā€“ with the Holy Spirit! His power can stimulate you to see and be the best version of yourself always!

You get to enjoy His presence because God has freely sent Him to you to help. Hereā€™s how to get constantly filled with His power; practice gratitude through singing and thanksgiving to God; enforce Godā€™s peace over the unrest in your life; cast your cares on Him and yield to God’s will. Finally, let Him help you. Donā€™t try to do things all by yourself, you donā€™t have His infinite wisdom.

Have a power-filled day!

Confession: I enforce the will and the peace of God in my life today and I declare that I am filled with the Holy Spiritā€™s power to do exploits in Jesus name.

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