The Elevation Church

Pray His Will

“You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.” – James 4:3 (NKJV)


As Christians, prayer should be a constant feature in our daily lives because this is the only way we can consistently live within the sphere of God’s will for us. This is the truth; prayer should be our lifestyle but, a lot of people find it difficult to pray because they don’t know how to pray or what to pray for. The Bible contains the will of God, it is filled with promises and assurance of the sovereignty of God and His ability to do the impossible for us. Therefore, it is the manual that teaches us how to pray and unless we use the manual aright, the motive and content of our prayers will be wrong.


This is to say that our prayers should be scriptural, if we will pray aright and not amiss. Whatever may be the desires of your heart, you need to search through the scriptures to know what God says about it and then use that to communicate your intentions to Him. When we begin to do that, our faith is built for that desire on the word of God because we know that we are in the will of the father for us.


Confession: I will no longer pray amiss but I will begin to pray Your will through Your words into my life.

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