The Elevation Church

Never Be Too Busy

Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” – Matthew 26:41 (NIV)

Life is a marathon race; it requires speed, strength and direction but a lot of times people get busy trying to run faster without taking time to check if they are still on track. Not every direction is the right direction. You need to engage the Holy Spirit through prayers to give you acceleration and clear instructions in the race of life.

One of the excuses people give for not praying is that they are too busy to pray. The truth is you are too busy not to pray. Your busyness attracts blessings when you pray as you go. Your strength is renewed when you pray, your success becomes seamless when you pray. Being conscious of God’s presence in your busyness will inspire you to pray more. It is important to understand that God is not somewhere far away, He is inside you and is willing to guide you, but He is waiting for you engage Him. Be God-inside conscious.

Confession: Holy Spirit, help me to engage God’s power and presence in my day-to-day activities and life endeavors.

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