The Elevation Church

Intentional with Spoken Words

spoken words

My younger brother visited me in December 2018. Each time he was working with his laptop, a cool melody played on the background with occasional words like; ‘I am favoured, I am highly motivated, I am successful, I am the head and not the tail, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me etc.

Amazed by such music, I asked him why he usually played it. He replied ‘there’s so much potency in spoken words. By listening to this music every day, I’ve been inspired to look at every mountain as surmountable”.

Have you ever pondered why God’s creations were through spoken words? In Genesis chapter one, you’ll find out that God spoke a lot of things into existence. The most striking verse for me is Genesis 1:26;

“Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground’.


How about David? Before he killed Goliath, he said; ‘Don’t worry, I’ll go and fight him…Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.” 1 Samuel 17:36, 46.

The woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:28, said to herself ‘If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed’. She was definitely healed when she eventually touched the robe of Jesus.

These incidences underscore the imperativeness of spoken words as it helps to guide our actions towards accomplishing life’s set goals and overcoming unpleasant situations.

Have you ever been conscious of spoken words in your daily life? If not, here are tips to assist you to be intentional with spoken words;

  1. Write out those words and place them in your mirror (bedroom and restroom) so you can see and say them every time.
  2. Get a CD or download cool and inspiration music to keep you motivated every day.
  3. Write down prophetic declarations and constantly speak them to yourself.
  4. Get CD or download God’s words as preached by His anointed servants all over the world for divine insight.
  5. Read your Bible every day for guidance and inspiration.
  6. Be sure to internalize those positive words by whispering it wherever you go in order to build your consciousness for achieving the impossible.
  7. Pray fervently for the Holy Spirit to guide you in transforming those intentional spoken words into concrete actionable plans.

The aforementioned cases in the Bible have showed us that we can deal with any unpleasant situation if only we can be intentional with our words. Hence, no matter the situation; failure, stagnation, bareness, hopelessness, disputes, divorce, illness, relationship and marriage crisis, joblessness and more, you can surmount them.

Just speak positivity and speak against every negative situation. Within a short period, you’ll realize that your consciousness has been enabled to make you believe you can achieve a whole lot through the help of the Holy Spirit. Once you’re on the level of belief, take steps (actions) and you’ll thank God immensely.

Don’t limit God; say whatever you want Him to do for you. God’s mind is constantly full of you and He has the capacity to do exceedingly abundantly above whatever we ask according to His will. Just say it, believe it, live positively and remain blessed.

Written by Richard Agu

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Comments (1)

Beautiful piece!!….I have just been too blessed and motivated by this piece. Lately i have dared myself to stretch my faith and trust God in an unusual way, this write up just buttressed up everything. I will keep voicing it in faith, no stopping at all. God bless you

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