The Elevation Church



“Life is choice driven,
we live and die by the choices we make daily”.

…Pastor Chris Ugoh…


Life is also like a serial film, a new episode starts at the end of one and continues till it gets to the end. How we play out our scripts in each episode has an effect on the next, just like a chain reaction.I recall how some years back, each time I came back from work, my daddy would ask, “What happened at work today?” Most of the times, with the tiredness; I’d sit down and relay everything that happened that day, to the extent that he knew the names of all my colleagues. However, as the days went by, I got busier; the bad roads and traffic also didn’t help matters at all. So I would get home tired and of course, sitting down to discuss “what happened at work” was no longer part of the agenda for the day.

Fast forward to a few years after, my daddy passed on. I basked in the faithfulness of God; work and life continued. One day something happened at work and I really needed to share the story with someone, this time it had to be someone who was really interested and ready to listen. Suddenly, I realised that I missed something… at first I couldn’t place my hands on what I was missing but I just knew something was missing. Then I remembered my Daddy and his usual question “what happened at work today”? Then it dawned on me that an episode of my life had ended and I didn’t complete my script, or so I thought at that moment. I longed to turn back the hands of time but it was just impossible. If only I could wake him up, tell him everything that I wanted to share and let him go back to sleep, but that was also impossible. Finally, I fell back to the lovely memories I had about him and the times we shared…these memories would last for a lifetime.

Of course, I knew I had God as my Father and could talk to Him, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make. We can have people in our lives and soon they would no longer be there. We may be in an environment for a while; attend school for some years, have short stays in hospitals or resorts, how well we utilise the relationships God has given to us at every point matters a lot.

Maybe you need to stop for a while, take time out of your account and lavish on your family, go on the vacation, sit beside your daddy and tell him how your day went, visit an orphanage, plug into the environment God has placed you in. Don’t take them for granted, God had a plan before He placed you there.

Acts 17:26b -“He Himself fixed beforehand the exact times and the limits of the places where they would live”

What episode of your life are you in at the moment? How well are you playing your script?

Written by: Udochi Anokwu

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