The Elevation Church

Confession of faith: Walking in love

  1. Father, I thank you for your love, for your mercy and grace. I am a product of your grace, a result of your mercy and by this grace and in your love I stand.
  2. Today I declare that I am compassionate and desire to see souls saved. I desire strongly to be a blessing; to bind up the broken hearted to heal the sick, to deliver the oppressed, to give beauty for ashes, to preach and to reach all in your name. I dedicate my day to you to be an effective witness of the glorious gospel and no other thing. I declare my life sold out to this very course; never to look back, always to press on. Today I am committed to walking in the Spirit; the fruits of the Spirit are evident in my life. I choose today to be a good steward of your manifold grace upon my life.
  3. I excel in speech, conduct and doctrine. I’m holiness personified, sanctified by the precious blood of Jesus. I’m getting stronger with every day as I feed on His word. I blossom in righteousness. Today I declare my tongue as an instrument of life; my tongue is dead to all evil conversation but alive unto righteousness. Grace is poured into my lips therefore I am blessed forever
  4. I endure long and I am patient. I am very kind and look for ways to be constructive.  I am not irritable, nor touchy, nor quick to take offense.  I keep no record of wrongs.  I rejoice when right and truth prevails.  I know no limit to my love’s endurance.  I always believe the best of people.  My hopes for people are fadeless under all circumstances.  I endure everything without weakening.  God’s love inside of me never fails.( 1 Corinthians 13:40 – 48)
  5. I have the nature of God, and because God is Love, I have the capacity to love and walk in love. I forgive all wrongs done towards me, just as Christ has forgiven me and does forgive me. I refuse to be bitter and live in self-pity. Instead I rejoice in the God of my salvation, who makes my feet like hinds feet and causes me to walk upon my high Places. I do not focus on the hurts or the wrongs, but on the Love of Christ, and this love is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit, who indwells me and inhabits me. I am a victor, an overcomer in Jesus Name, Amen

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[…] spouse is not selfish. He/ She walks in love at all times. We put the other’s need accordingly in the name of Jesus. Our love grows stronger and […]

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