The Elevation Church


Remember that feeling when you’re broke and it is 23 days to pay day?

Or the feeling when your pay-check finishes even before pay day…. Yeah, we all have experienced this feeling one time or the other in our adult life; and you can testify that is not a good feeling at all – especially when there are bills to pay. This feeling usually weighs us down and for the better part of the period, we sometimes forget how to be happy or excited at anything because we are allowing our bank account and pockets become our happiness thermometer.

Being broke does not mean that you have to breakdown and wallow in self-pity; the amount of money in your pocket or bank account does not determine your success in life. Your success is dependent on the how well you manage your finances and ultimately to God who gives wealth and adds no sorrow to it. You need to start learning how to manage your finances and develop a culture of savings/investments for the future or emergencies such as unexpected redundancy, unexpected big expenses in the family etc. Taking deliberate actions to manage your money better can help you to stay on top of your bills and save lots money every year.  Many people don’t save not; because we cannot set money aside, but because we do not separate our needs from our wants. We patronize our current desires and prioritize them above the long term-goals that would have been more beneficial to us, without giving any thoughts to the simple fact that the rainy days will come knocking soon. Remember the proverb that says, “Make hay while the sun shines”.

Every great and accomplished man had pitfalls on a daily basis, but just like the Ant in the Bible, they worked tirelessly and forged ahead. No matter how little your income may be, learn to imbibe the culture of saving – it also nurtures a great value in us like self-discipline, foresight and a contentment. There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man spendth it up (Proverbs 21:20).

In order to enjoy a reliable and feasible retirement lifestyle that we all hope to attain in the future, we must have self-control to buy only what is needed and very important (no impulsive buying), track your expenses budget and don’t exceed your budget list, don’t take up financial obligations that you cannot keep up with; finally, be open to discussions on financial decisions. It is never too late to start saving; the time to start is NOW.

Written by Chiedozie Agulefo

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