Achieving Greatness through Purpose

There is an action which propels man to greatness; unfortunately, many people go through life without realizing this. In Luke 10:40-42, Jesus said one thing is needful, not many things. Therefore, I am not interested in doing many things but just that one task which heaven has purposed to launch me into eternity. Mary Magdalene did not pray so much neither did she fast for 40 days and nights, she only poured her expensive alabaster oil on Jesus’ feet and wiped it off with her hair. And for this single action, Jesus said, “wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” (Matthew 26: 7-13) This singular act synchronized with a divine timing in Jewish tradition to prepare someone for burial; for this reason, someone was divinely inspired to fulfil the purpose.

As there is an action to propel you to greatness, there is also a person or an event that would pronounce the greatness of God in your life. These should be your important focus – fulfilling your purpose in life and to be divinely connected to that person or event that will help you achieve it, hence leading to greatness. Greatness is attained when you know your purpose and use it to impact your world. For example, Rebecca’s name wasn’t mentioned again after she played her heaven ordained role in the Bible. Her name was not part of the hall of fame just because she married Isaac of the fact that she gave birth to Jacob and Esau. She was recognised because she fulfilled her purpose.

When she was pregnant, the babies were struggling in her womb and she went to inquire of the Lord. God told her, “there are two nations in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.” (Genesis 25:22-23, Romans 9:13) At that point, she understood the intention of heaven and also understood that she cannot allow her motherly sentiments to override God’s intention. When the opportunity came to fulfil purpose, she was faced with two choices – to follow the human and Jewish traditions of allowing the first child receive all the inheritance or to ignore her sentiments and act in synchronization with God’s plan. She understood purpose and was sensitive to her role in making this plan work. So she formed the habit of eavesdropping on Isaac’s conversation with Esau. Here, she acknowledged that God regards the qualified to receive his divine blessings and not according to the dictates of customs and traditions. Heaven needed someone to play the role of aiding Jacob to outsmart his brother to get the blessings and Rebecca made a success of that role.

Someone somewhere is ordained to play that role in your life! Whatever it would cost, you would meet the person at the right place, at the right time and your destiny shall play out miraculously in Jesus’ name. Amen

Isaac could not reverse what had been ordained from the inception! He could not undo the blessings he had pronounced and declared to Jacob. The bible says, “He trembled very exceedingly.” (Genesis 27:33-35). He knew he had been outsmarted so he had no other option than to console and encourage his first born to accept the leftover blessing and to adjust and align with the plans of heaven.

In 2017 and beyond, you will achieve greatness in every area of life and outsmart anyone or anything trying to stand in the way to fulfilling your purpose. Heaven will connect you to that person or event that will launch you forth into your God ordained destiny, greatness, blessings, breakthroughs and testimonies in the name of Jesus name. Amen.

Choose to live a purpose driven life.



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