The Elevation Church

Believer lifestyle of health & healing

In His final analysis of creation, God accesses his work, and considers it to be very good (suitable, pleasant) and He approved it completely.

Man’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden leads to the separation of mankind (humanity) from God, opening him (and his descendants) to physical hardship, toil, struggle, sickness, diseases, and eventually death. Even with this separation, God was not done with man, so He set a plan in motion right after the fall to set all things back to the original state GOOD (Gen. 3:15).

In the Health & Healing School, we explore the believer’s right to good health and divine healing conferred by the work of our LORD Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. At the end of the school session, we expect every participant to understand:

  1. their place in God,
  2. how to claim their rights to divine health,
  3. lay hold on God’s healing power through faith, and
  4. exercise authority over any type of sickness or disease in their bodies or in any other body.
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